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You Don't Have to be a "Writer"

One of the first excuses I hear when I suggest to someone that they should write their life story is, "But I''m not a writer. I wouldn't know where to begin." I then ask, "Can you talk?" If you can talk, you can absolutely write your memoir/autobiography or life story.

There are a couple of ways to approach this speaking/writing exercise. You can record yourself as you reminisce out loud - maybe while you sit around visiting with others - or you can write as though you're talking to yourself, in your head. If you record the conversation you can then play it back and type it out (or have someone do that for you). If you choose the other method, sit yourself down with pen and paper (or computer) and start typing the words you hear yourself saying in your head (no, you're not crazy!)

I suggest having an audience in mind as you do this. I use my grandchildren as mine and it becomes easy to share stories about my life when I imagine them listening.

One thing that is required if you're determined to finally get your memoir finished is the habit of consistency that writers must have if they hope to get anything published. You have to commit to making the time to get your words out of your head and on to paper. Schedule it into your calendar and show up on a regular basis to work at it. If it's important to you - as I believe it is - then make it a goal to get something completed.

I strongly encourage you to create a Memory List to help you unlock those wonderful remembrances from your past. Simply carry a small notebook with you and as you think of a memory jot it down. These can be just a couple of words or a short phrase - "milking the cows" or "my first haircut" - that will spark your imagination when you sit down to write.

Remember that your story isn't meant to be a best-selling book. It may not even be seen by anyone other than your immediate family. The importance of your story isn't about it being "perfect" but of it being a thread of connection between you and your children or grandchildren and that has far more value than a best-seller!

If you want help getting started, you can email me at and I'll be happy to assist you or visit my FB page, Leave Them Your Story.

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